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International Workshop

Kant's Logic of the Pathological:

Aesthetics and Politics

June 15-16, 2021


An Open, Virtual Event

Organized by Fernando Silva, João Lemos, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, and Paulo Jesus



June 15: 9.30-11.00,

Session 01 (Central European Time)

Moderator: Nuria Sánchez Madrid (UCM, Spain)


Serena Feloj (Univ. Pavia, Italy)

A Sick Imagination: Pathologies and Errors in Judgment


Ana Falcato (IFILNOVA, Portugal)

 The Maladies of the Head as a sociological phenomenon



11.00-11.15: Coffee-Break



11.15-12.45, Session 02

Moderator: Paulo Jesus (CFUL)


Mariannina Failla (Univ. Roma Tre, Italy)

Social Pathologies of Language in Kant


Nuria Sánchez Madrid (UCM, Spain)

 Kant’s Misgivings Against Democracy. An Account from the Standpoint of Political Epistemology



12.45-14.30: Lunch


14.30-16.00, Session 03

Moderator: Fernando Silva (CFUL)


João Lemos (IFILNOVA, Portugal)

 Loathsome as a response to artful trickery


Virginia Figueiredo (UFMG, Brazil)

 Does a genius produce his/her artworks like an apple tree its apples?



16.00-16.15: Coffee-Break



16.15-18.15, Session 04

Moderator: João Lemos (IFILNOVA, Portugal)


Daniela Angelucci (Univ. Roma Tre)

 The Sublime and the Monster: Kant with Lyotard


Paola Romero (Univ. Freiburg)

Does critique entail crisis?: On the political consequences of a method


Maria Borges (Univ. Federal de Santa Caterina, Brasil)

 Emotion, the beautiful and the sublime.




June 16


9.30 -11.00, Session 05 (Central European Time)

Moderator: Paola Romero (Univ. Freiburg)


Laura Herrero Olivera (UNED, Spain),

Kant on Langeweil and Kurzweil


Paulo Jesus (Center of Philosophy, U. Lisbon),

The Pathos of Freedom: Rousseau and Kant on Mad and Demonic People(s)



11.00-11.15: Coffee-Break



11.15-13.30, Session 06

Moderator: Ana Falcato (IFILNOVA, Portugal)


Fernando Silva (Center of Philosophy, U. Lisbon)

 Between folly and sanity: a word on Kant's conception of ideal


Giorgia Cecchinato (UFMG, Brazil)

 What does it mean «to think in the position of everyone else»?


Soraya Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Lisbon)

 Enthusiasm by Kant: Pathos, Logos and Polis



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This conference is financed by public funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institution, Portugal) within the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders  - PTDC/FER-FIL/30686/2017

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