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The Multilateral Kant Colloquia constitute a long series of international and multilingual scientific events devoted to the study of Kantian philosophy. Around these events a growing international network of Kant scholars has been formed and is expected to keep expanding itself, giving rise to new joint ventures and partnerships for research projects and collective publications.

So far eight different events have taken place since 2008 in six different countries, namely:

  • “Kant Today”, Verona and Padua, Italy, 2008

  • “What is Man? – Was ist der Mensch?”, Lisbon, Portugal, 2009

  • “Kant and Antinomical Thinking”, Mainz, Germany, 2011

  • “Kant and the Metaphors of Reason”, Tiradentes, Brazil, 2013

  • “Kant’s Short Writings – Kleine Schriften”, Madrid, Spain, 2014

  • “Kant on Violence, Revolution, and Progress”, Hempstead, NY, USA, 2016

  • “Kant and His Critics”, Halle, Germany, 2017

  • “Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics”, Catania, Italy, 2018.

The next event of the series of Multilateral Kant Colloquia will be, depending on the Covid-19 restrictions, either a fully virtual conference or a hybrid conference (i.e., some people attending in-person and other people attending through a video conferencing system). The event will be hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon,

in September 22-24, 2021.

Although the event welcomes papers and panels dealing with any Kantian topics, the Organization provides a general thematic issue that can inspire a large number of participants, namely the Kantian views on “Justice, Peace and Cosmopolitan Values”. This general issue comprises also more specific subjects, such as:

  1. Universalism and Cosmopolitanism in Kant’s Practical Philosophy

  2. Kantian and Modern Philosophy of International and Cosmopolitan Right

  3. Kantian and Modern Philosophy of History and Society

  4. Contemporary Legacy of Kantian Political and Legal Philosophy

  5. Just War Theories and Critical Pacifism

  6. Global Justice and Social Justice: Gender, Race and Socioeconomic Equality

  7. Human Rights and Minority Rights

  8. Migrations, Refugees, and Cosmopolitan Hospitality as well as Cosmopolitan Citizenship

  9. Political Challenges to Cosmopolitanism: Nationalism, Colonialism and Imperialism

  10. Ecology and Environmental Ethics/Politics

  11. International Relations: Cooperation and Competition

  12. Enlightenment, Religion and Secularization

  13. Anthropology and the Future of Mankind

  14. The History of the Ideal of Perpetual Peace

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