Aequalitas is a research project dedicated to the critical study of equality and inequality across diverse social, political, and legal landscapes. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we examine the mechanisms that sustain social hierarchies and different forms of discrimination, shaping human experiences. Our work is grounded in rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis, drawing insights from sociology, anthropology, political science, history, philosophy, neuroscience, and law. By integrating these perspectives, Aequalitas aims to understand both the reproduction of inequalities and the strategies to challenge them, fostering the conditions for greater social equity.
At Aequalitas, we are committed to producing transformative and socially engaged knowledge. Through critical reflection, we address pressing issues related to gender, race, class, ethnicity, sexual diversity, disability, accessibility, and other social markers of difference. We firmly believe that only by understanding these structures can we actively contribute to building more just and inclusive societies.
This project brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of researchers
who have been conducting research on issues of discrimination, equality, and cosmopolitanism in its personal, social, cultural, political and legal dimension.