Master's Degree in Progress

NOVA School of Law

NOVA School of Law

Andreia Alves
NOVA School of Law

Anna Grytsak
NOVA School of Law

Bárbara Cirilo da Silva
NOVA School of Law

​Bruno Braga
NOVA School of Law

NOVA School of Law

Catarina Filipa Serra
NOVA School of Law

Cláudia Paulo Marques
NOVA School of Law

Flávia Ramalho
NOVA School of Law

NOVA School of Law

Isabella Neves
NOVA School of Law

NOVA School of Law

João Faza
NOVA School of Law

João Maria Rodriques
NOVA School of Law

Magno Gurgel
NOVA School of Law

NOVA School of Law

Nicole Lopes
NOVA School of Law

Rayssa Kallyne Cruz de Luna
NOVA School of Law

Sofia Torres Pereira
NOVA School of Law

Yuliya Kalapuz
NOVA School of Law
Master's Degree Completed

A Ordem da desinformação. Fake news e liberdade de informação à luz de Foucault.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018. Member of the project FCT Cosmopolitanism.
Jury: Prof. Cristina Queiróz (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Sofia José Santos (Faculdade de Economia da University of Coimbra, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 09 December 2021.

Ana Paula Campos da Silva
Negação aos refugiados do “direito a ter direitos”: análise da questão migratória na União Europeia a partir de Arendt.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Jeancezar Ditzz de Souza Ribeiro (Law School of the University Cândido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 09 September 2021.

Ana Sofia Mendes Guedes
Racismo: o legado do colonialismo em África. Uma análise a partir de Fanon e Mbembe.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (President), Prof. Anabela da Costa Leão (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 12 January 2023.

Annie Carolinne de Oliveira Teixeira
Direitos Humanos e discriminação: Um estudo sobre a liquidez social em tempos de pandemia a partir de Bauman.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (President), Prof. Daniela Serra Castilho (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 12 January 2023.

Ariane Stefanelli
Discriminação algorítmica: Uma análise à luz da teoria das capacidades de Martha Nussbaum.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Business Law and Technology ("Law & Tech"), NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Fabrizio Esposito (President), Prof. Ulysses Monteiro Molitor (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense Date: 23 November 2023.

​Bertrand de Araújo Asfora Filho
Os critérios de arbitrabilidade na arbitragem tributária: uma análise a partir da teoria dos sistemas sociais de nº Luhmann.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Luís Terrinha (NOVA School of Law, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 27 June 2022.

Daniel de Andrade Oliveira Barral
A legitimação do Direito Regulador a partir de um processo administrativo democrático e consensual.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law. NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 14 June 2022.

Do Cosmopolitismo Jurídico ao Cultural: de Kant a Appiah.
Master’s in Philosophy. Department of Philosophy of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. Supervisor: Carlos João Correia. Co-Supervisor: Soraya Nour Sckell.
Jury: Prof. José Viriato Soromenho-Marques (President), Prof. Marita Rainsborough (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Co-Supervisor).
Defense date: 02 December 2022.

Elaine Regina de Abreu Moreira
Alienação e luta. A condição dos trabalhadores no transporte rodoviário de mercadorias no Rio de Janeiro.
Master's in Law, Specialization in Social Law and Innovation, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Armando Marques Guedes (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. João Zenha Martins (NOVA School of Law, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 05 July 2022.

Fabiana Maranhão Ribeiro
Direito (natural) à vida de quem? - A agenda antiaborto e o Direito a serviço do neoconservadorismo no Brasil.
Master's in Law, Specialization in Social Law and Innovation, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Cristina Queiróz (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Márcia Nina Bernardes (Law School of the Pontifícia University Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUCRJ, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 25 November 2021.

Felipe Galvão Vieira da Cunha
Solidariedade e Direito Internacional e Europeu no contexto da pandemia do Coronavírus.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Armando Marques Guedes (NOVA School of Law, President e Arguer), Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, vogal), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 28 January 2021.

Fernanda Ribeiro Pinto
Igualiberdade e Dignidade - O Programa Bolsa Família à luz da filosofia de Étienne Balibar.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018. Member of the FCT project Cosmopolitanism.
Jury: Prof. Cristina Queiróz (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Andreza de Souza Santos (University of Oxford, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 04 February 2021.

Giuliano Cantadore
O limite da diversidade: Democracia e o regime linguístico da União Europeia à luz de Kymlicka e Nicolaïdis.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (President), Prof. Pascoal Santos Pereira (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 12 January 2023.

Graziella Maria Silva Oliveira Brito
Educação para cidadania: O direito da criança a conhecer os seus direitos à luz da teoria de Hannah Arendt.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Anabela Leão (University do Porto, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 21 July 2022.

​Helena Maria Reis Gomes Barreiras Inácio
The United Nations contribution to global constitutionalization through the international human rights regime.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Veronica Corcodel (President), Prof. Jeremy Sarkin (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 11 January 2023.

Íris Beatriz Borges
A philosophical reflection on autonomy and vulnerability in the context of the archeological practice in the 21st century.
Master’s in Philosophy. Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon.
Jury: Prof. Maria Leonor Xavier (President), Prof Nuno Nabais (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 08 November 2019.

Joana Filipa da Silva Caseiro
A Cidadania Europeia. Politeia e Apartheid Europeu segundo Étienne Balibar.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Carolina Vestena (Universität Kassel, Arguer), Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 19 November 2021.

João Gil Antunes
lnternational Arbitrators as lmpartial Spectators. For a holistic and empathetic approach to justice in international arbitration.
Master's in Litigation and Arbitratio, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Mariana França Gouveia (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. João Ilhão Moreira (Arguer), Prof. Pierre Guibentif (Supervisor).
Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Guibentif. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell.
Defense date: 02 June 2022.

João Nuno Motta Guedes Marques Mendonça
A Utopia dos Direitos Humanos: Uma Teoria da Imagem Jurídica.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018. Member of the project FCT Cosmopolitanism.
Jury: Prof. Armando Marques Guedes (NOVA School of Law, President e Arguer), Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, vogal), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 28 January 2021.
Note: He received an FCT grant to do his Doctorate also under my supervision.

Júlia Araújo Mota
Evolução Sustentável como Alternativa ao Desenvolvimento Disruptivo e Desigual - Análise do Pacto Ecológico Europeu a partir da teoria econômica evolucionária em Kenneth E. Boulding.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018. Member of the FCT project Cosmopolitanism.
Jury: Prof. Cristina Queiróz (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Matthias Kaufmann (Departamento de Filosofia, Universität Halle, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 01 February 2021.

Laura Diehl Kuwer
A crise do “direito de ter direitos": análise da apatridia na Europa a partir de Hannah Arendt.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Gustavo Oliveira de Lima Pereira (Law School of the Pontifício University Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 06 September 2021.

​Luan Fernandes Campos da Silva
Individualização Orbital - Análise do sistema carcerário brasileiro à luz de Foucault e Butler.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Soraya Barreto (University Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 30 March 2021.

Luiza Saraiva Martins Bastos
Flexibilização do conceito de soberania no contexto da Big Data. Uma perspectiva das teorias de Giorgio Agamben.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law. NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Helena Pereira de Melo (President), Prof. Leonardo Bessa (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 27 January 2023.

​Marcelino Gomes
Construção da paz sustentável em Guiné-Bissau.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2017.
Jury: Prof. Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 22 January 2022.

Mariana Strucchi Lobato
O Direito Internacional Fiscal perante a economia digital: análise crítica a partir do conceito de justiça Kant.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018. Integrated member of the FCT project on Cosmopolitism.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Daniela Serra Castilho (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 24 June 2022.

Mateus Schwetter Silva Teixeira
Constitucionalidade social. Análise do STF face a reivindicações de direitos LGBTI+ por movimentos sociais com base em Kelsen.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Júlio Aguiar de Oliveira (Law School of the University Federal de Ouro Preto, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 04 October 2021.

Milena Lordelo Issa
A terceira culpa e a mulher encarcerada . Técnicas e políticas de si no cárcere desvendam outros elementos da identidade narrativa.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Social Law and Innovation, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Helena Pereira de Melo (President), Prof. Daniela Castilhos (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense Date: 13 December 202.

Ricardo Dallasta
A intervenção estatal sobre corpos intersexo. Uma análise da sexualidade à luz de Foucault.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Public Law, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Lúcio Tomé Feteira (President), Prof. António Luiz Martins Harrad Reis (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense date: 29 September 2023.

Rita Beirão Magro Pinto Simões
O mito do Estado mínimo: A relação entre globalização e nacionalismo a partir de Adorno.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Isabel Alexandra de Oliveira David (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas de Lisbon, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 09 September 2021.

Sofia Pereira
A responsabilidade do estado português à parentalidade vulnerável. Uma análise da licença parental a partir de Martha Fineman.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Social Law and Innovation, NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Helena Pereira de Melo (President), Prof. Daniela Serra Castilhos (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense Date: 13 Março 2024.

Suzana Rahde Gerchmann
Além da Etiqueta - Análise da pink tax pela teoria de Judith Butler.
Master's in Law, Specialization in Social Law and Innovation. NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. João Zenha (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Helena Pereira de Melo (NOVA School of Law, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 18 February 2021.
Note: She received an FCT grant to do her Doctorate under my supervision and also a Fellowship from the City University of London, which she preferred.

Tathiane Graça dos Santos
O poder invisível do algoritmo: A discriminação de gênero no mercado de trabalho na era da inteligência artificial.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in Business Law and Technology ("Law & Tech"), NOVA School of Law.
Jury: Prof. Graça Moniz (President), Prof. Vera Lúcia Raposo (Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (Supervisor).
Defense Date: 28 November 2023.

Tayrone Marquesini Chiavone
Sociedade de risco digital - O princípio da precaução na regulação da Inteligência Artificial.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law. NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2019.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Vera Lúcia Raposo (NOVA School of Law, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 24 October 2022. ​

Túlio Vinícius Dias Santos Santos
Imigração pelo mar: o princípio do non-refoulement e o acesso ao porto. Um olhar sobre a hospitalidade de Jacques Derrida e de Hannah Arendt.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Bethania Assy (Law School of the University Estadual do Rio de Janeiro e da Pontifícia University Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUCRJ, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 14 October 2021.

Wellington Vilela de Araújo
A Carta da Terra como resposta à fragmentação do Direito Ambiental global - uma Análise a partir de Alexander von Humboldt.
Master’s in Law, Specialization in International and European Law, NOVA School of Law. Begin: September 2018.
Jury: Prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho (NOVA School of Law, President), Prof. Rose Marie Inojosa (University da Paz, San José, Costa Rica, Arguer), Prof. Soraya Nour Sckell (NOVA School of Law, Supervisor).
Defense date: 09 September 2021.