International Conference
CosmoLiteratures - Thinking Literature and Cosmopolitanism
18 - 20 May 2022
Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias da
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Over time, especially in the context of Modernity, the domain of Literature expanded the scale of its scope and intervention. This expansion contributed to an active questioning of the impact of literature, on the one hand, in terms of understanding common features of human nature in time and space; and, on the other hand, in terms of the constitution of idealized mythology projected in a common space between creators of different nationalities, beyond geographical and above all political or religious borders.
Literature has been conceived as an instance of questioning the Human Being, understood both as a species indebted to a common heritage and actively represented in its pluralities. Contrarily, literature sought to assert itself as an autonomous territory, a true cosmopolitan
republic of letters, understood as a critical alternative to national, political, religious, sexual, racial or moral divisions. We can find in literature reflections on the conditions of access to different versions of an ambitious global community, as well as critical perspectives on other conceptions of cosmopolitanism and its tendencies that are sometimes univocal and totalitarian. It is around these axes that we propose to reflect on the relationship between cosmopolitanism and literature, inviting different perspectives on how literature thematizes cosmopolitanism in its different interpretations and on the conditions for literature to be
thought of as a fundamental space meeting and discussion among peers
with a markedly cosmopolitan nature.
We invite contributions exploring the cosmopolitan nature of literature.
Languages of communication include English, French,
Portuguese and Spanish.
The abstract for a 20-minutes presentation has to be submitted by
31 March 2022
by using the SUBMIT ABSTRACT HERE button below.
Decision notices will be posted on the webpage of the conference, section 'Participants', on April 15.
We intend to publish a collective volume based on the papers presented at the conference. We will need the chapters by June 15. The chapters will be submitted to a blind peer-review and only those accepted will be integrated in the volume.
The paper must be edited according to the following guidelines: Times New Roman 12, around 50.000 characters (everything included - bibliography, blank spaces, and so on). For references and bibliography please follow this style.