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Angelica Nuzzo is Professor of Philosophy at the Graduate Center CUNY and Brooklyn College. Her latest book is Approaching Hegel's Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett (SUNY Press, 2018).

Carlos Morujão is Full Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University and Director of the Center for Philosophy Studies, at the same University. His research focuses on the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the philosophy of Kant and Fichte, the Philosophy of Mind and Social and Political Philosophy. Crisis and Responsibility. Husserl, Heidegger and Phenomenology (2013) and Paths of Phenomenology (2015) are among his published works. He is currently preparing a work (in collaboration) on the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset.

Christoph Asmuth, geb. 1962, in Bochum Lehrstuhlinhaber für Philosophie an der Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau – Studium 1983-1992 Bochum, 1992 M.A. in Philosophie, 1992-1995 Stipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 1995 Dr. phil. im Fach Philosophie, 1997-1998 und 2006-2008 Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1998-2004 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Philosophie der TU Berlin, 2003 Habilitation, 2009-2012 Leitung des BMBF-Projekts »Translating Doping – Doping übersetzen«, 2013-2016 Leitung BMBF-Projekt »ANTHROPOFAKTE«. – 2007-2001 Leitung des Kurses Transzendentalphilosophie am IUC Dubrovnik, 2007 Gastprofessur LMU München, 2009 Gastprofessur Basel, 2016-2018 Gastprofessur an der TU Berlin, 2019 Ehrendoktorwürde der Nationalen Pädagogischen Universität Charkiw, 2019 Gastprofessur UERJ Rio de Janeiro, Leitung des Internationalen Forschungsnetzwerks Transzendentalphilosophie/ Deutscher Idealismus, seit 2020 Leiter des Interdisziplinären Forums Religionsphilosophie (Augustana), seit 2020 Summer School für Klassische deutsche Philosophie. – Monographien: Das Begreifen des Unbegreiflichen. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1999; Interpretation – Transformation. Göttingen 2006; Bilder über Bilder – Bilder ohne Bilder. Eine neue Theorie der Bildlichkeit. Darmstadt 2011; Wissen im Aufbruch. Die Philosophie der deutschen Klassik am Beginn der Moderne. Würzburg 2018; zus. mit P. Remmers et al.: Ethische und soziologische Aspekte der Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion. Dortmund 2019. – Zahlreiche weitere Bücher als Herausgeber, über 150 Aufsätze, Rezensionen, Lexikonartikel.

Diogo Ferrer is professor of Philosophy at Coimbra University, Portugal. His main research subject is German Classical Philosophy and its resonances in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Some of his books are: Transparencies: Language and Reflection from Cicero to Pessoa, Coimbra, 2018 [in Portuguese]; The Genesis of Meaning: Introduction to Hegel’s Thought, Porto, 2016 [in Portuguese]; The System of Incompleteness: Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre from 1794 to 1804, Coimbra, 2014 [in Portuguese]; Logic and Reality in Hegel: The Science of Logic and the the Problem of Grounding the System, Lisboa, 2006 [in Portuguese]. Some recent publications: “Visão, Emoção e Arquitetura” ["Vision, Emotion and Architecture"], in Constantino Pereira Martins - Vítor Alves (Eds.), Visão, Possibilidade, Virtualidade / Vision, Possibility, Virtuality, Ordem dos Arquitectos - Secção Regional Norte, Porto, 2022, pp. 77-98. “O Ceticismo, entre Maimon, Fichte e Hegel” [“Scepticism, between Maimon, Fichte and Hegel”]. In Problemata: International Journal of Philosophy, 11. n. 4 (2020), pp. 10-29. 

Fernando M. F. Silva – Post-Doctoral fellow and member of the Centre for Philosophy at the University of Lisbon. PhD in 2016, on Novalis’ critique of identity. Co-editor of journal Estudos Kantianos. Co-coordinator of the Study Nucleus Kant and German Idealism, CFUL. Chief concerns: Kantian Aesthetics and Anthropology, German Idealism and Romanticism, in authors such as Fichte, Novalis or Hölderlin. Recent publications: ‘The poem of the understanding is philosophy’. Novalis and the art of self-critique, in Mimesis Verlag, Germany (in press); Silva, Fernando M. F.; Caranti, Luigi, Personhood and Humanity in Kant: Theoretical, Moral and Anthropological Perspectives, London/New York: Routledge (In press); Silva, Fernando M. F.; Dörflinger, Bernd, Kant on Poetry/Kant über Poesie, Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag (In press)

Faustino Fabbianelli is Professor for History of Philosophy at the University of Parma. He studied in Florence, Pisa, Munich, and Freiburg i. Br. His areas of specialization are Classical German Philosophy, Italian Philosophy, German Phenomenology, and German Enlightenment. He is editor of K. L. Reinhold-Korrespondenzausgabe der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (frommann-holzboog). Publications: Impulsi e libertà. “Psicologia” e “trascendentale” nella filosofia pratica di J. G. Fichte (Genova 1998); Antropologia trascendentale e visione morale del mondo. Il primo Fichte e il suo contesto (Milano 2000); Coscienza e realtà. Un saggio su Reinhold (Pisa 2011) (eng. transl.: Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s Transcendental Psychology, Berlin-New York 2016); Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Beiträge zur Berichtigung bisheriger Mißverständnisse der Philosophen, 2 voll. (Hamburg 2003-2004); Theodor Lipps, Schriften zur Psychologie und Erkenntnistheorie, 4 voll. (Würzburg 2013); Theodor Lipps, Schriften zur Einfühlung (Baden-Baden 2018).

Giorgia Cecchinato is currently Professor of Aesthetics and Modern Philosophy at UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) and executive board member of the Sociedade Kant Brasileira. She worked as post-doctoral Researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (2007-2008) where she held a Ph.D. (2009) in Philosophy. She is author of several essays and articles on questions and problems of German Idealism.

Günter Zöller is Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus) at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany. His main research areas are Kant, German Idealism and political Philosophy, on which he has authored, edited and coedited 36 books and published 410 articles in journals, essay collections and reference works worldwide. Recent book publications include: Res Publica. Plato's “Republic” in Classical  German Philosophy (2015), Reading Fichte (2013; Japanese translation 2014, Spanish translation 2015, Italian translation 2018, Chinese translation 2019), The Cambridge Companion to Philosophy (coedited with David James, 2016), Philosophy of the 19th Century. From Kant to Nietzsche (2018) and Hegel‘s Philosophy. An Introduction (2020; Turkish and Spanish translations in preparation).

Joãosinho Beckenkamp is Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He has written widely on Kant and Classical German Philosophy, being the author of the books Entre Kant e Hegel (2004), O jovem Hegel: Formação de uma sistema pós-kantiano (2009), Introdução à filosofia crítica de Kant (2017) and Ceticismo e idealismo alemão (2019). He also translated into portuguese texts of Kant, Fichte, Schiller, Hölderlin and Hegel.

José Miranda Justo obtained his doctor degree at the University of Lisbon, with a thesis on History of the Philosophy of Language (Hamann, Herder and Kant) in 1990; his supervisors were Professor Josef Simon (University of Bonn) and Professor Rita Iriarte (University of Lisbon). He is a member of the Centre for Philosophy at the University of Lisbon (CFUL) since its creation. At the CFUL he coordinated three triennial projects financed by the National Foundation for Science and Technology – the last one involving more than twenty national and international researchers developing research on the theme of Experimentation, Dissidence and Heterogeneity in an actual conception of philosophy. He has published widely in the fields of philosophy of language, hermeneutics, philosophy of history, philosophy of translation, aesthetics and the philosophy of art, Hamannian studies, Kierkegaardian studies, Kleistian studies, Nietzschian studies, Deleuzian studies and political philosophy.

Martin Bondeli. Geboren 1954 in Biel/CH. Studium der Philosophie in Bern, Bochum und München. Dissertation: Hegel in Bern. Hegel-Studien. Beiheft 33. Bonn/Hamburg (Bouvier/Meiner)1990. Habilitation: Das Anfangsproblem bei Karl Leonhard Reinhold. Eine systematische und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Philosophie Reinholds von 1789 bis 1803. Vittorio Klostermann. Philosophische Abhandlungen. Band 62. Frankfurt a.M. (Klostermann)1995. Von 1996 bis 2019 Privatdozent und Lehrbeauftragter für Philosophie an den Universitäten Bern, Basel, Luzern und Freiburg (CH). Seit 2011 Dozent für Wirtschaftsphilosophie und Wirtschaftsethik an der Privaten Hochschule für Wirtschaft in Bern. Seit 2006 Gesamtherausgeber von Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Gesammelte Schriften. Kommentierte Ausgabe. Basel/Berlin (Schwabe) 2007ff. ( ). Soeben erschienen: M. Bondeli (Hg.): K. L. Reinhold: Die alte Frage: Was ist die Wahrheit? Band 10/2. 2022. Letzte Buchpublikationen: Reinhold und Schopenhauer. Zwei Denkwelten im Banne von Vorstellung und Wille. Basel (Schwabe) 2014; Kant über Selbstaffektion. Basel (Colmena) 2018; Im Gravitationsfeld nachkantischen Denkens: Reinhold und Hölderlin. Basel/Berlin (Schwabe) 2020.

Paul Guyer is Jonathan Nelson Professor of Humanities and Philosophy at Brown University and Florence. R.C. Murray Professor in the Humanities emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania.  He was General Co-Editor of the Cambridge Edition of Kant, and an editor and translator of the first and third critiques and Kant's Notes and Fragments.  He is the author of sixteen books, editor of seven multi-author anthologies, including three Cambridge Companions, and has published nearly 300 articles.  His three-volume History of Modern Aesthetics was published in 2014; among his recent books are Reason and Experience in Mendelssohn and Kant (2020) and A Philosopher Looks at Architecture (2021).  His current projects include Idealism in Modern Philosophy (with Rolf-Peter Horstmann) and The Impact of Kant's Moral Philosophy, from which the present paper is drawn.

Paulo Jesus (undergraduate studies in Theology, Philosophy and Psychology at the universities of Coimbra and Louvain; PhD in philosophy, EHESS, Paris) is a full-time researcher at CFUL and a parttime lecturer of Moral, Legal, and Political Philosophy. After being himself a PI (especially at Lisbon University: Poetics of Selfhood: Memory, Imagination, and Narrativity), he has been taking part in national and European research projects, namely Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy, and Citizenship without Borders (PTDC/FER-FIL/30686/2017) and Kant in South America (KANTINSA/ H2020-MSCARISE). His most important area of expertise is Kantian and German Classical philosophy as well as Philosophy of Psychology, notably narrative personality and the symbolic construction of self-identity. Among his various academic and literary publications, it is worth highlighting the French monograph entitled “Poétique de l’ipse: Étude sur le ‘Je pense’ kantien” (P. Lang, 2008).

Robert Louden: University of Southern Maine.

Soraya Nour Sckell is tenured Associate Professor at the NOVA School of Law, Lisbon. She is a researcher at CEDIS (NOVA School of Law)  and at the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon. She is the Principal Investigator of the Project “Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders”. She received the Wolfgang Kaupen-Preis (German Society for Sociology, section Sociology of Law, 2018) and the German-French Friendship Prize (Ambassy of Germany in Paris, 2012). She was also director of the research program on cosmopolitanism at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris (2013 –2019). She has obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the University Paris Nanterre and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (thesis in cotutela, 2012) and a PhD in Law from the University of São Paulo (1999).

Participants: Text

This event is financed by Portuguese funds provided by FCT – the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.), under the project PTDC/FER-FIL/30686/2017, “Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship
without Borders” (Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon and CEDIS, NOVA School of Law, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa).

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