​Amanda Salles da Silva, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Anabela Paula Brízido, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Anabela Paula Brízido is a PhD Candidate at the Nova Faculty of Law in Lisbon. At the same Faculty, she also accomplished her master degree in International Public and European Law. Currently, her interests and main research fields are International Humanitarian Law, Private Military and Security Companies, Non-State Actors and the privatisation of war, Human Rights Law, the elderly rights and legal pluralism. She is also a researcher at the Research and Development Centre on Law and Society | CEDIS and a Member of the Portuguese Bar Association where she participates in the selection procedures for future lawyers Applicants. She is also highly involved in the AFID Association, which has as main Clients people with disabilities. Therefore, she belongs to its corporate bodies. Until the grant given by the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia | FCT in 2017 she was a lawyer and a Trainer in several law fields, namely, in Private Security Companies.
Daniel Fernandes Gomes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Daniel Fernandes Gomes - Doutorando em Direito na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Bolseiro da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Investigador do CEDIS – FDUNL e do IJP – UPT.
Diana Soeiro, Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon
Diana Soeiro (Ph.D. Philosophy, Universidade Nova de Lisboa/UNL, 2011) is a researcher at CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon and at DINÂMIA'CET - Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. She is currently MSc Candidate in Economics and Public Policy at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal). In 2017 she was appointed Ambassador for United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda (Portugal)
Domingos Faria, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Domingos Faria holds a FCT junior researcher position at the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon, where he develops a project entitled “The Epistemology of Complex Disagreement Among Social Groups”. He earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Lisbon (2017) with a thesis entitled “Is belief in God properly basic? Defence of a moderate inferentialism”. His primary areas of research are epistemology and philosophy of religion. He is also interested in Philosophy of Logic, Metaphysics, and Teaching of Philosophy.
Elizabeth Inácio Calombe, Autonomous University of Lisbon
Elizabeth Inácio Calombe is Master student of Clinical Psychology and Counselling at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. She made the first year of her degree in Psychology at the Óscar Ribas University in Angola in 2014, and then joined the University of Autónoma de Lisboa in 2015. She participated as a volunteer at Autonoma University as Assistant at the Psychometrics Laboratory.
Emanuel Alcides Romão Pinto, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Emanuel Alcides Romão Pinto has a Master degree in Legal and Criminal Sciences from the Autonomous University of Lisbon, and he is currently a PhD student in Legal and Criminal Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Forum Indigena Lisboa
Jeovet Baca Virginia, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Jeovet Baca Virginia holds a Degree in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Angola, a Master Degree in Postgraduate in Ethics, Law and Political Thinking from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, and a Master in General Philosophy from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities from the New University of Lisbon. He is currently a PhD student in Ethics, Democracy and Societal Challenges at the Faculty of Letters, the University of Lisbon and a member of the researcher team within the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice. Democracy and citizenship without borders.
João da Motta Guedes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
João Motta Guedes holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and is currently doing the thesis research for the Master in International and European Law at NOVA Law School, on the topic of Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights. He has also studied in the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in an exchange program, having worked with discussion groups on the topics of Environmental and Human Rights. He is a member of the researcher team of the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice. Democracy and citizenship without borders. At the same time, he does a Master’s in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. His academic research ties in with the object of his artistic work, where the ideas of Justice and Human Rights are explored.
Júlia Araújo, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Hans De Mey, KU Leuven Institute of Philosophy, Belgium
Nguyá»…n Bình An, Law Faculty, Binhduong University, Vietnam
Plataforma das Mulheres
Paulo Jesus, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Soraya Nour Sckell, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
SOS Racismo www.sosracismo.pt
Sara Fernandes, Centre of Philosophy University of Lisbon
Sara Fernandes is a PhD researcher in the philosophy department of the University of Lisbon and a philosophy teacher at Colégio Militar (Military College). Her research project is on Neuroidentity: anthropological and ethical dilemmas and her main research interests are the relations between philosophy and neurosciences, in particular, neuroenhancement and its impact on human nature, personal identity, and neuroethics. She holds a research degree from the doctoral program on Bioethics of the Portuguese Catholic University (2009) and a MPhil in Philosophy from the University of Lisbon (2006) with a dissertation on Paul Ricoeur and the problem of personal identity.
Tamara Caraus, Center of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Tatiana Morais, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Túlio V. Dias Santos, Nova Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Vasco Malta, ACM - Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, I.P., (Diretor do Departamento de Política Migratória, Relações Internacionais e Captação de Migrantes)
Vasco Malta, é licenciado em Direito e L.LM em Direito Europeu em Contexto Global, pela Católica School of Law. Foi advogado desde 2005 e iniciou o seu trabalho na área dos direitos humanos no Alto Comissariado para as Migrações e o Diálogo Intercultural, em Portugal, em 2009. Foi também responsável jurídico da Comissão para a Igualdade e Contra a Discriminação Racial e fez parte da Comissão Nacional de Direitos Humanos. Foi nomeado, pelo Governo Português, em 2009 como Oficial Nacional de Ligação para a Agência Europeia dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia e, desde 2014 até 2018, trabalhou na Agência como Perito Nacional destacado, coordenando, entre outros, a rede de Oficiais de Ligação Nacional da EU junto da Agência, a rede EU dos Pontos Focais dos Parlamentos Nacionais, o projeto EU Working Party on Hate Crime e foi ainda responsável pela cooperação entre a Agência e as redes de profissionais da justiça da UE. Em Fevereiro de 2018 foi designado Adjunto do Senhor Alto Comissário para as Migrações, sendo que assumiu funções, em Março 2019 como Diretor do Departamento de Relações Internacionais, Politica Migratória e Captação de Migrantes do Alto Comissariado para as Migrações. É frequentemente orador convidado em diversas conferências nacionais e internacionais.