

Abdelkader Souifi, Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon, France
Abdelkader Souifi received his PhD degree in 1993 in microelectronics from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Lyon). He received a grant in 1994 from the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation and joined the Institute of Thin Films at Julich Research Center in Germany, where he was involved in the studies of nanostructures for silicon-based nanodevices. In 1995, he joined INSA Lyon as Assistant Professor in the field of heterojunction-based devices. Since 1998, research activities have been focused on silicon-based Nanoelectronics. He obtained a full Professor position in 2002 and leaded the Silicon Electron Device Group of Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology from 2002 to 2007. From 2008 to 2014, he was engaged in the international CNRS Lab. with the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada. His current research interests include the nanofabrication and characterizations of advanced memory devices and ultra-low power sensor systems. In the scientific community, Abdelkader Souifi is also interested in the ethical issues of nanotechnologies. These developments require interdisciplinary research activities that he carried out initially within the Humboldt community and further within the Interdisciplinary Group University in Sherbrooke.
Alexei Krouglov, RSUH, Moscow, Russia
Geb. 1973 bei Novosibirsk; Studium Philosophie und Geschichte an der Moskauer Lomonosov- Universität und an der Tverer Staatlichen Universität, Doktorand am Institut für Philosophie der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Moskau. 1999 Promotion an demselben Institut mit einer Arbeit über die Grundzüge der transzendentalen Methode. 2005 Habilitation mit einer Arbeit über J. N. Tetens und die Diskussion über die Metaphysik in der deutschen Philosophie der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts an der Russischen Staatlichen Universität für Geisteswissenschaften (RSUH), Moskau. Seit 2006 Professor am Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Philosophie an der RSUH. Forschungsaufenthalte an den Universitäten Eichstätt, Kiel (DAAD), Karlsruhe und Trier (Humboldt-Stiftung). Gastprofessor an der Universität Luxembourg (2007), Baltischen Föderalen Kant-Universität, Kaliningrad (2012, 2014), Universität Trier (2015-16, 2018). Schwerpunkte der Forschung: Kant, deutsche Aufklärung, russische Philosophie, philosophische Fragen der schönen Literatur.
Amanda Salles, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Amanda Salles is a Master Student, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Ana Luísa Casseb, Law School, University of Porto
Aluna do curso de Doutoramento da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto. Mestra em Direito, com ênfase em Direitos Humanos, pela Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA. Pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa “Teorias Normativas do Direito” – UFPA/CNPq. Colunista da seção de “Política” do Jornal Universitário do Porto – JUP e da seção “Grande Entrevista” do Jornal Tribuna, da Associação dos Estudantes da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto – AEFDUP.
Anabela Leão, Law School, University of Porto
Anabela Costa Leão é atualmente Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto (FDUP) e investigadora integrada do CIJE-FDUP (Centro de Investigação Jurídico-Económica). É licenciada em Direito pela FDUP (2000) e doutorada em Direito (especialidade “Direito Público”) pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2014), com dissertação intitulada "Constituição e interculturalidade: da diferença à referência". Investiga e tem publicações na área de Direito Público, em especial nas áreas de Direito Constitucional e Direitos Fundamentais, com especial incidência nas questões suscitadas pela diversidade cultural e religiosa e os direitos dos imigrantes.
Armando Marques Guedes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Armando Marques Guedes tem uma diversificada formação académica, em Administração Política (ISCSP), Antropologia Social (LSE e EHESS), e Sistemas Legais (Nova Direito). Reflete-se esta formação na sua carreira profissional, que se estende desde a sua nomeação como o primeiro Conselheiro Cultural português em Luanda, Angola (11985-1989) até à sua nomeação como Professor de Antropologia, História e Teoria das Ideias e atualmente Direito, na Universidade Nova (inicialmente na FCSH e a partir de 1999 na Nova Direito), e no Instituto de Estudos Superiores Militares (IESM), ao qual está ligado há já 15 anos e onde é responsável pelo ensino de Geopolítica. Entre 2005 e 2008, foi também Presidente do Instituto Diplomático, no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, e Diretor de Policy Planning do mesmo Ministério. Já publicou 17 livros e uma centena de artigos,tendo lecionado regularmente em mais de 41 países. O seu trabalho já foi publicado em 14 países e está traduzido para 10 línguas.
Bernhard Jakl, Universität des Saarlandes, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung, Germany
Bernhard Jakl vertritt derzeit den Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung an der Universität des Saarlandes. Er ist Privatdozent an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der WWU Münster und Privatdozent an der Fakultät für Philosophie der LMU München. Er ist Autor von Handlungshoheit. Die normative Struktur der bestehenden Dogmatik und ihrer Materialisierung im deutschen und europäischen Schuldvertragsrecht (Tübingen 2019) und von Recht aus Freiheit. Die Gegenüberstellung der rechtstheoretischen Ansätze der Wertungsjurisprudenz und des Liberalismus mit der kritischen Rechtsphilosophie Kants (Berlin 2009) sowie zahlreicher Aufsätze, Lehrbücher und Kommentierungen zum Bürgerlichen Recht, dem Medizinrecht, den Grundlagen des Rechts, der Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtssoziologie sowie zur Geschichte der Philosophie
Bethania Assy, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bethania Assy is Philosophy of Law Associate Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puv-Rio), and at State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Philosophy PhD at New School for Social Research – NY, USA under the supervision of Agnes Heller. Co-coordinator of Unesco Chair on Violence, Government and Governance at Puc-Rio. Honorary Fellow at Birkbeck Law School - London University (2012-2013). Visiting research at: Bremen University (2001); Frankfurt University (2003); Oldenburg University- Hannah Arendt Archive (2001, 2006, 2007); Max Planck Institute of History of Science - Berlin (2005); Free University of Berlin (2009). Visiting professor at: University of Nanterre, Paris X (2018, 2015, 2013). Published: Ethics, Responsibility and Judgment in Hannah Arendt; published with José Ricardo Cunha: Theory of Law and the subject of social injustice; edited Human Rights: Justice, Truth, and Memory. She is current working in her next book with Allan Hillane: The Subject of Injustice: political action, law and empowerment (Rutledge).
Carlos João Correia, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Carlos João Correia (1956-) graduated (PhD) at the University of Lisbon in 1993 with a thesis on the philosophical thought of Paul Ricœur. He is currently Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon, where he teaches since 1980. Research areas: Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Religion, Personal Identity (Metaphysics), German Idealism, Classical Indian Thought. He is the author or editor of 21 books and more than 100 scientific essays. He presides over two cultural associations, “AIEM, Interdisciplinary Association of the Human Mind” and Association “What is it?”. He is member of the Mind-Brain College of the University of Lisbon, and director of the journal Philosophy@Lisbon.
Carola Häntsch, Universität Greifswald
Geb. 1958 in Frankfurt (Oder); 1977–1985 Studium der Fennistik/ Philosophie an der Ernst- Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald; 1986 Promotion an der Universität Greifswald (Geschichte der Philosophie; Thema: Einfluß Hegels in Finnland); 1985–2002 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald (Institut für Philosophie); Forschung und Lehre zur Praktischen/ Politischen Philosophie und Philosophie(Geschichte) im Ostseeraum; 1993–1994 Lynen-Stipendiatin an der Universität Helsinki (Institut für Praktische Philosophie); 2003–2004 Stipendium der Finnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; seit 2004 Mitarbeiterin am International Office der Universität Greifswald.
Christian Dunker, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, psychoanalist in São Paulo since 1991, Full Professor at Clinical Psychology Department at Universidade de São Paulo. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Social Theory, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, has written “Structure and Constitution of Psychoanalysis” (Karnac, 2012).
Christopher Pollmann, Faculté de Droit, Metz, France
Christopher Pollmann obtained a PhD in law, humanities and philosophy under the direction of Michel MIAILLE in 1991 and habilitation in 1993. Professor at the University of Lorraine. Visiting fellow at Harvard Law School (2001-02) and Visiting research associate with Immanuel WALLERSTEIN in Binghamton (NY, Sept, 2002). Visiting professor at the Universities of Bern, Fribourg and Hamburg, honorary professor at the University of San Martín de Porres in Lima. Direction of a seminar “Borders, Boundaries and Law” at EHESS (2005-2007) and another on “The Liquefaction of Borders” at the Collège international de philosophie (three sessions of eight meetings with sixteen external speakers, 2011-2014). Direction of a seminar “Cosmopolitanism and its agents” with Frauke A. KURBACHER and Soraya NOUR SCKEL at the Collège international de philosophie. Direction of a seminar « Accumulations and accelerations » at Collège d'études mondiales, Paris, 2015 to 2020.
Cristina Queiroz, NOVA Law Faculty, NOVA University of Lisbon
Professora Catedrática da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Especialista em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas. Tem coordenado e regido os seguintes cursos jurídicos do I, II e III Ciclos de Estudos: Direito Constitucional, Direito Público Comparado, Direitos Fundamentais, Justiça Constitucional e Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais. Das obras mais recentes publicadas destacam-se, entre outras: “Estudos de Direito Público Comparado, Filosofia do Direito e Relações Internacionais”, Lisboa: Petrony: 2018, I vol, “Justiça Constitucional”, Lisboa: Petrony, 2017, “Direito Constitucional Internacional”, 2ª ed., Lisboa: Petrony, 2016, “O Tribunal Constitucional e os Direitos Sociais”, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2014, “Direitos Fundamentais. Teoria Geral”, 2ª ed., Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, “Direito Constitucional. As instituições do Estado democrático e constitucional”, Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2009, “Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais”, Coimbra: Wolters Kluver, 2009, e “Direitos fundamentais sociais. Funções, âmbito, conteúdo, questões interpretativas e problemas de justiciabilidade”, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2006.
Damien Ehrhardt, Université Evry-Val-d'Essone, France
Damien Ehrhardt earned his PhD degree at the Paris-Sorbonne University (1997) and his accreditation to supervise research (habilitation) at the University of Strasbourg (2004). He is currently tenured associate professor and member of the academic Council at the University of Evry Val d'Essonne (near Paris), and responsible for the research axe “Mélanges Interculturels” at the laboratory SLAM (Synergie Langues Arts Musique) of the University of Paris-Saclay. His research concerns musicology (history, theory, and aesthetics of 19th and 20th Century music...) and cultural studies (cultural transfer, interculturality, cultural areas...). He is, inter alia, co-editor of a volume of the New Edition of the Complete Works of Robert Schumann and member of the editorial office of the journal Hermès (CNRS-Editions). He became involved in the cultural life of the University of Evry Val d’Essonne as manager of the cultural project (2008-2010) and vice-president for culture (2011-2015). He was also co-animator of the working group 'School of Humanities' of the University of Paris-Saclay (2014-2016). DAAD scholar at Saarland University (1991-92) and Alexander-von-Humboldt scholar at University of Regensburg, University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (1999-2001), he is president of the Association Humboldt France, the alumni association of the Humboldt Foundation in France, and winner of the Award of Franco-German friendship. He (co)organized nine interdisciplinary conferences, called Humboldt Kollegs, on very different topics like emotions, fascinating planet, unity in diversity or uncertainty.
Daniel Gomes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Daniel Fernandes Gomes graduated in Law from Porto University, and currently is a PhD student in Law at NOVA University. He was granted with an FCT Scolarship Researcher at CEDIS - FDUNL and IJP – Portucalense University.
David Amaral, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
David Amaral. Licenciado em filosofia na Faculdade de Letras Universidade de Lisboa. Trabalhador estudante em preparação de provas de mestrado, com dissertação sobre temas da racionalidade política e biopolítica em Michel Foucault.
Dirk Michael Hennrich, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Dirk Michael Hennrich is Doctoral Researcher in the area of Philosophy of Nature and Environment at the School of Arts and Humanities and the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon. He was Postdoctoral Researcher at the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology (FCT) from 2015-2019 and Researcher for Portuguese Language and Culture at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2014. He finished his PhD in 2014 at the University of Lisbon with a grant from the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology (FCT) and holds a Master in Philosophy, Modern German Literature and History from the University of Basel/Switzerland (2003). He is foreign collaborator of the CISC (PUC-São Paulo) and foreign collaborator of the LAPSI – Laboratório de Psicologia Socioambiental e Intervenção. His main fields of research are Philosophy of Landscape, Media Philosophy, German Idealism, Early German Romanticsm and Filosofia in Portugal.
Eduardo Joao Pedro Kadyamosiko, Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Eduardo Joao Pedro Kadyamosiko is a Master student at the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Elena S. Soboleva, Kunst Kamera, Russia
Elena S. Soboleva graduated from the Faculty of History, University of St. Petersburg in 1978, specializing in ethnography. In 1990 ES defended the thesis on the ethnic structure of the Portuguese Timor published as a book (1991). She is the author of over 400 articles devoted to Timor, Macau, Goa, Ceylon, Brazil, Portugal, etc. ES goes on with the research of the materials of the Second Russian Expedition to South America (1914-1915)/ starting with the Brazilian diary of Heinrich H. Manizer (MAE RAS, 2016. 605 p.). From 1995 ES was active partner of CELB (Center for Portuguese-Brazilian Studies) in St.-Petersburg, participated in the formation of conception of ideals of Lusophonia in the scope of the common work, in the strengthening of the relations and the scientific exchange between the CELB and the Lusophone Association Galicia-Portugal (Braga). At the same time he was a constant member contributing of the minutes of the congresses. ES published several articles in the Lusophone magazines “Nós”, “Oriente”, etc. Since 1978 ES works at the “Peter the Great” Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences (Senior Research Fellow since 1993). She is spreading lusophone ideas, guiding a group of people interested in it.
Fernanda Pinto, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Fernanda Pinto is a Master student at NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva is a Post-Doctoral fellow and member of the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. PhD in 2016, on Novalis’ critique of identity, as expounded in the «Fichte-Studien». Chief concerns: Kantian Aesthetics and Anthropology, German Idealism and Romanticism, in authors such as Baumgarten, Kant, Fichte, Novalis, Fr. Schlegel or Hölderlin, having published on and translated several of them. Main publications: ‘The poem of the understanding is philosophy’. Novalis and the art of self-critique, in Mimesis Verlag, Germany (t. b. p. in 2019); «“Das Unsterbliche mit dem Sterblichen zu verbinden“. Sobre o pensamento principal da filosofia de Platão segundo Schelling», in Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 2017; «Um “secreto procedimento da alma dos homens”: Kant sobre o problema das representações obscuras», in Con-textos Kantianos, 2017.
Francisco Pereira Coutinho, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Francisco Pereira Coutinho e Licenciado (2002) e doutor (2009) em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. É desde 2010 professor auxiliar do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa e professor convidado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Foi colaborador do Instituto Diplomático do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros entre 2005 e 2011.
Gonçalo Marcelo, CECH, University of Coimbra / Católica Porto Business School
Gonçalo Marcelo holds a degree in Philosophy (2007) and PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy (2014) from FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Currently is a researcher at CECH, University of Coimbra (hired under DL57/2016, "norma transitória") and an invited Lecturer at the University of Coimbra and Católica Porto Business School. Formerly, he was a doctoral and posdoctoral fellow funded by FCT. He was a visiting scholar at Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Fonds Ricoeur (Paris) and Columbia University (New York). His main research interests and publications are in the fields of social and political philosophy, critical theory, ethics and hermeneutics.
Hélène Fleury, Paris-Saclay, France
After a two-year preparatory classes program in Paris (hypokhâgne - khâgne), Hélène Fleury holds two Master’s degrees, one in history (Pantheon-Sorbonne University, 1996), one in anthropology (EHESS, School of Advanced Studies, Paris, 2003). During several years, she was working as project leader in the fields of culture and youth politics.She is currently lecturer in visual studies at the University of Evry-Val-d’Essonne (UEVE) and PhD candidate at University of Paris-Saclay in cooperation with the Center for South Asian Studies (CEIAS), joint research unit between EHESS and CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). Her research concerns mostly the international reception of Mithila painting (1931-1995).Elected member of the Academic Council (Research Commission) of UEVE and of the Council of the SLAM laboratory (Synergy Language, Arts, Music, University of Paris-Saclay), she was PhD representative of the CEIAS in 2015/16 and jury member of an interuniversity poetry competition (2014-16). She organized the Doctoral Conference “South Asian Studies. Practice, Methodology, Interpretation. Empirical and theoretical knowledge” at EHESS in May 2016. She is the author of ten scientific publications and has been invited to present her work during several international conferences and seminars, in particular in Algeria (University of Tlemcen), Finland (Helsinki, Humboldt Kolleg 2017), France (Royaumont Abbey and Foundation, EHESS, Quai Branly Museum, Singer-Polignac Foundation...), and India, in Patna (Asian Development Research Institute, Bihar Museum, Government of Bihar, Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan) and in Madhubani (Mithila Art Institute in cooperation with the Ethnic Art Foundation, Berkeley, USA)
Irene Maria Portela, IPCA, Portugal
Irene Portela holds a degree from the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Porto (1991), a Master degree of Public Administration from the Minho University (2003) and a doctorate from the University of Santiago of Compostela(2007). She is currently Coordenator Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave of Barcelos, teaching in the area of ​​Public Law (Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights and Law Methodology) in the various study cycles. Her main scientific areas of research are Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights technology Law, and AI law. She authored various national and international publications in these areas. Currently, She is the Ombudswoman of the Student of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave of Barcelos.
Jan Marschelke​, University of Regensburg, Germany
Jan Marschelke did his PhD in legal philosophy with a work on “Jeremy Bentham – Philosophy and Law” (2009). From 2009-2013 he coordinated the interdisciplinary project “Global Systems and Intercultural Competence” at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany). His research first concentrated on the conceptual resources of intercultural communication and how these can be related with legal theory and especially sociology. Exploring the critical discourse on the concept of culture and its impact on interculturality made his research focus shift towards more general theories of culture and, especially, of collectivity. Since 2014 he is the manager of the Institute for the Studies of Culture and Collectivity at the University of Regensburg (Germany). His current major research project is about a praxeological theory of collectivity.
Jeovet Baca Virgínia, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Jeovet Baca Virgínia, Licenciado em Filosofia pelo Instituto Superior Dom Bosco da Universidade Católica de Angola; Pós-Graduado em Ética, Direito e Pensamento Político, pelas Faculdades de Letras e Direito da Universidade de Lisboa; Mestre em Filosofia Geral pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, atualmente é Doutorando em Ética, Democracia e Desafios Societais na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, é Investigador do Projeto: COSMOS – COSMOPOLITISMO: JUSTIÇA, DEMOCRACIA E CIDADANIA SEM FRONTEIRAS.
João Carlos Loureiro, Law School, University of Coimbra
João Carlos Simões Gonçalves Loureiro (15/09/1962), Institute for Legal Research (UCILeR), Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra. PhD (Doutoramento), 2004: Constituição e biomedicina: contribuição para uma teoria dos deveres fundamentais na esfera da genética humana, Coimbra, 2003 (Constitution and biomedicine: contribution for a theory of bioconstitutional duties in the field of human genetics, Coimbra, 2003, 1276 p.). He teaches Constitutional Law and Social Security Law at Coimbra University (Faculty of Law). Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
​João da Motta Guedes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
João Motta Guedes holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and is currently doing the thesis research for the Master in International and European Law at NOVA Law School, on the topic of Contemporary Art and Human Rights. He is a member of the research team of the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice. Democracy and citizenship without borders. He also does a Master in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. His academic research ties in with the object of his artistic work, where the ideas of Justice and Human Rights are explored.
José João Abrantes, NOVA Law Faculty, NOVA University of Lisbon
José João Abrantes é licenciado em Direito (1977) e mestre em Ciências Jurídicas (1986) pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Doutor em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Bremen (2000). Agregado em Direito (Direito Privado) pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2012), onde é Professor desde 2000. É actualmente Pró-Reitor da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (um de entre vários cargos de gestão universitária que tem exercido). Tem colaborado, sobretudo a nível de ensino pós-graduado, com diversas Escolas, v.g., jurídicas e não jurídicas. Teve experiências universitárias e participou em iniciativas científicas em vários países na Europa e não só, tendo sido bolseiro de diversas Instituições, como a Direcção dos Direitos do Homem do Conselho da Europa, o Goethe-Institut, o Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. É membro de inúmeras associações jurídicas, órgãos de revistas científicas, projectos de investigação e redes científicas, com destaque para o facto de ser membro fundador da ELLN – European Labour Law Network.
Lili Pontinta, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Lili Pontinta is a doctoral student at Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
Luís Braga Campos, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Luiz Manuel Braga da Costa Campos was born in 1950, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in 1972, obtained the Ph.D. from Cambridge University in England in 1977 and the Habilitation from Lisbon University in 1984. His entire career was at IST, starting as student monitor in 1970, through all intermediate stages up to Chair Professor in 1986. He is Coordinator of (a) the aerospace Engineering Degrees since their creation in 1991, also of (b) the Center for Aeronautical and Space Science and Technology (CCTAE) of IDMEC/LAETA and also of (c) the applied and aerospace Mechanics scientific Area of DEM/IST. The stays abroad on leave from IST have included: (i) Ph.D. at Engineering Department in Cambridge 1974-7; (ii) Senior Rouse Ball Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge (1977-8); (iii) Senior Visitor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in Cambridge in 1985-6; (iv) Alexander von Humboldt scholar at the Max-Planck Institut fur Aeronomie in Katlenburg-Lindau in 1990-1. Further status abroad was excluded due to the three functions (a-c) at IST. He has participated in international organizations on individual basis or as a representative of Portugal, including: (i) chairman of the Flight Mechanics/Flight Vehicle Integration Panel of AGARD; (ii) vice-chairman of the Systems Integration Panel of the RTO; (iii) member of the Aeronautics and of the Space Committees of the EU; (iv) vice-chairman of the Aeronautical Research and Technology Committee of the EU; (v) member of the Space Advisory Panel of the EU; (vi) Member of Council and of the Launchers Board of ESA (European Space Agency); (vii) member of the Committee for Peaceful Uses of Outer space (COPUOS) of the UN (United Nations); (viii) member of the Space Science Committee of the ESF (European Science Foundation). He has received the von Karman Medal from AGARD/RTO and is Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Royal Astronomical Society and Cambridge Philosophical Society, a founding member of the European Astronomical Society and Editor of Mathematical Reviews. He is the author of 15 books (10 by international publishers), 167 papers in 80 scientific journals, 260 communications to international symposia, as Acted as a reviewer for 40 magazines, and has participated in more than 30 research projects with international funding, leading 4. The areas of research include flight dynamics and air traffic control,, aeroacoustics, magnetohydrodynamics, astrophysics and applied mathematics.
Luisa de Pinho Vale, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra
Luísa de Pinho Valle é doutoranda no programa Democracia no Século XXI do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra. É graduada em Direito pela Universidade Santa Úrsula (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). É especializada em Direito Administrativo e Gestão Pública pela Centro Universitário de Brasília (Brasil). É mestra em direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília (Brasil) e mestra em Ciências Sociais e Ciências Jurídicas pela Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilha, Espanha).
Luísa Neto, Law School, University of Porto
Luísa Neto holds a degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (1994) and a doctorate from the University of Porto (2003). She is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, under tenure, teaching in the area of ​​Public Law (Political Science, Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights) in the various study cycles. Her main scientific areas of research are Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, Medical Law, Bioethics and she authored various publications in these areas.
Lutz Cleemann, Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer e.V. Vorsitzende
Lutz Cleemann, Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer e.V., Germany In 2017 Lutz Cleemann had been elected President of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer” (German Association of Humboldtians). Lutz Cleemann holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics from the University of Cologne and worked as Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1981/82 at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, USA . In 1983 Lutz Cleemann became head of the VDI Technology Centre "Physical Technologies"in Düsseldorf, an agency and think tank of the German Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT) in the fields of the analysis of future technologies, technology assessment and technology transfer. In 1993 he joined the Allianz SE insurance group as director of the Allianz Center for Technology and had been appointed Chairman of the Allianz International Strategy Team on Sustainable Development as well as the company’s Liaison Delegate to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). After his retirement in June 2008, Lutz Cleemann supported as chairman the financial forum “Climate Change, Financial Markets and Innovation” of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and supported as chairman of the founding board the establishment of the Climate Service Center (CSC) in Hamburg.
Maria Cristina Hermida Del Llano, Law School, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow. Permanent Professor for Philosophy of Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2004). Jean Monnet Chair. Expert in integration and fundamental rights in the European Union (2013). She has been Professor Jean Monnet and Leader of the European Module Integration and Fundamental Rights in the European Union (2013-2016). Corresponding Academic of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Madrid since 2006. Member of the UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights (2017-2020). President of the Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico since 2017. Chief Editor of the Revista de Pensamiento Filosófico Español e Iberoamericano. Member of the United Nations Chair on Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2019).
Maria Norberta de Pinho, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
MARIA NORBERTA de PINHO is a Chemical Engineer from the University of Porto (1970) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Florida ,U.S.A.(1976). Professor of Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico(IST),University of Lisbon(1977-2015). Professor Jubilado (2015-present). Researcher at Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA) .Has been teaching Transport Phenomena, Separation Processes and Membrane Processes and coordinating research on Membrane Synthesis and Characterization; Flow and Mass Transfer Modelling (Computer Fluid Dynamics);Design &Engineering of Separation Processes and Membrane Processes in Food , Pulp& Paper and Chemical Industries; Biorefinery ; Extracorporeal Blood Circulation Devices .Supervisor of 30 MSc Thesis and 20 PhD Dissertations .Researcher/Coordinator of 30 projects sponsored by Portuguese Science Foundation and European Community (BRITE/EURAM(1991-1994);ECSC Coal Research(1997-2000) ). Member of the European Network of Excellence, NanoMemPro , 2004-2008.Visiting Scientist in: Max-Planck Instituit für Biophysik, Frankfurt(1977/78); National Research Council of Canada (Distinguished Visiting Scientist), Ottawa 1984/85);Verfahrenstechnik Institute, RWTH Aachen (Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship,1986/87) ;MIT(2003); Columbia University, N:Y.( 2014) She is co-author of more than two hundred publications referred in ISI Web of Knowledge and more than two hundred in Books & Proceedings of Congresses. Two European and US patents .A text book on MassTransfer.At present as Professor “Catedrático Jubilado” of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST),University of Lisbon, is Researcher at Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA) of IST and Scientific Coordinator of the Project ”Hemocompatible Nanostructured Membranes for Artificial Organs”,PTDC/CTM-
BIO/6178/2014 ,sponsored by Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT).
Maria Rosa Paiva, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon
Maria Rosa Paiva is Professor of Ecology at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon, PT. She holds a PhD from Imperial College, University of London, UK; Post-doc: University of Freiburg, DE. Fellowships from Gulbenkian Foundation, PT; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, DE and several others. Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (FRES), UK. She conducts research in: chemical ecology, ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation.
Mariko Mitsuyu, Polenz/Leipzig
Mariko Mitsuyu, born 1948 in Osaka, Japan, began to play the piano at 5. She studied Medicine at the Kyoto University and was an ophthalmologist. In 1981, she came to Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt scholar. She did the electrophysiological research in the field of ophthalmology at the Max Planck Institute in Bad Nauheim, near Frankfurt. 1983-1988 she studied piano at the music academy in Frankfurt and became a pianist. She got a teaching contract at the music academy. In 1994, she moved to Leipzig and taught at the music academy Leipzig, where she got the honorable professorship in 2001.
Mateus Schwetter, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Mateus Schwetter is a Master student at NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon.
Nuno Miguel Proença, NOVA University of Lisbon
Nuno Miguel Proença is a researcher of the Centre for Humanities at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon. After a PhD in philosophy at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in which he questioned the conditions and the procedures that establish a relationship between epistemic expectations, self-knowledge and subjective transformations within the Freudian psychoanalytic setting, his post-doctoral work was focused on the philosophical reception of psychoanalytic concepts before encompassing questions concerning embodiment, affectivity and narrative identity. He has published, among others, Imitação das horas (Palimage, 2010) Est-ce que objectivation en psychanalyse? (L’Harmattan, 2008) and has more recently co- edited the file Evidência, afecto e inconsciente of the journal CULTURA (2016) https://journals.openedition.org/cultura/2587?langen and the volume of essays Sofrimento e dor na Arquipatologia de Filipe Montalto (Húmus, 2018).
Oliver Eberl, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Oliver Eberl currently teaches Political Theory and History of Ideas at Goethe-University Frankfurt. He received his PhD for a dissertation on Immanuel Kant’s Perpetual Peace. His interests include democratic theory and International Political Theory. His Habilitation deals with the discourse on barbarism and its meaning for the justification of the state and the turn from a colonial use to a critical use of that notion for a theory of society. He is currently working on the idea of Nature and Wilderness and the inversion of the barbarism discourse from the colonial use to the using in internal social contexts. His main works deal with democratic and cosmopolitan theory, especially Immanuel Kant’s, as well as the EU-Citizenship’s democratic and social dimensions. In 2018 he was Humboldt Fellow at Indiana University Bloomington, USA.
Oliver Schlaudt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Oliver Schlaudt teaches philosophy at the University of Heidelberg and at SciencesPo Paris (Nancy). He is currently working on an anthropological project within in ROCEEH research group (the Role Of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans) at Tübingen, Germany.
Quy Dao Nguyen, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France
Nguyen Quy Dao, former Humboldt fellow and British Counsel fellow, is Emeritus Research Director of the French CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research) and Honorary Professor at CentraleSupelec, a High Technical University in France. Graduated of “Centrale-Paris”, “Doctor of Science” of the “Pierre and Marie Curie University” of Paris, he is a Physical-Chemist, working in the fields of Inorganic Chemistry and Instrumental Physics. Several scientific awards were given to him in these disciplines. After having retired, he is interested by the History of science, literature, and other aspects of culture in the Far-East countries. In the framework of the “Humboldt Kollegs”, he presented several lectures in this field. One of them can be found in this meeting.
Paula Ferreira, Investigadora Coordenadora CICECO, Universidade de Aveiro
Paula Ferreira is a Coordinator Researcher at the University of Aveiro, CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials. Paula Ferreira has been awarded so far over 1000 k€ in career income for engineering research; she has been Principal and Co- Investigator on, respectively, 5 and 4 FCT research project awards. During the last 16 years, she is(has) supervising(ed) or co-supervising(ed) 9 Post-doctoral fellows, 8 PhD, 16 MSc and 20 last year project students and more that 15 initial research fellows. She published over 105 scientific papers, with more than 2100 citations (h-index 27). She participated in over 100 international conferences delivering more than 60 oral presentations. She is/was involved in 4 FCT-CNRS bilateral cooperation agreements and 6 COST actions (4 as participant of the working groups and 2 as member of the management committee). She has been collaborating with several Portuguese Researchers and foreigner Researchers within Europe. She participated on the organizing committee of 8 International Scientific Meetings on Materials Science topics. She is currently coordinator of the M-era.net European project called BIOFOODPACK. The research interests involve the synthesis, structural and physical characterization and processing of nanofunctional and nanoporous materials for microelectronics and energy applications by bottom-up approaches. She is also interested in sustainable functional bionanocomposites for emerging applications.
Paulo de Brito, Law School, Universidade Lusófona do Porto
Paulo de Brito é Professor Associado da Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política e Diretor do Instituto de Investigação Jurídica (I2J) da Universidade Lusófona do Porto. De 2014 a 2018 foi Diretor do 1.º Ciclo de Estudos em Direito da Universidade Lusófona do Porto. Leciona nos 1.º e 2.º ciclos de estudos nas áreas de Direito Internacional (onde se doutorou na Universidade de Bristol, Reino Unido), Público e Privado, e RAL (Resolução Alternativa de Litígios), tendo obtido em 2015 o Diploma em Arbitragem Comercial Internacional pelo CIArb (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators). Desde Novembro de 2018 que é Observador na CEPEJ (Commission Européenne pour l’éfficacité de la justice) do Conselho da Europa. Antes da academia foi Juiz fundador e coordenador dos Julgados de Paz de Gaia (2002) e Porto (2004) e técnico superior de 1.ª classe da Direção Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais do Ministério da Justiça, atualmente em licença sem vencimento. Publicou, entre outros, “Representação em juízo das vítimas e ressarcimento dos danos por adesão no Tribunal Penal Internacional” in Os sujeitos não estaduais no Direito Internacional, (Petrony Editora, 2019), “Julgados de Paz: resposta da contemporaneidade à crise da justiça (2)” in O estado da justiça (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2016), “Sobre a importância de construir uma teoria do Direito Internacional em face do nacionalismo” in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da ULP, n.º 2, 2013, on line, “Towards a natural law theory of international law” (2007) in Journal of Philosophy of International Law (www.electronicpublications.org).
Paulo Jesus, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
I studied philosophy and psychology at Coimbra Univ and Univ Catholique de Louvain. In 2006, I obtained my PhD in Philosophy and Social Sciences at EHESS-Paris with a dissertation on time, selfhood and cognition based on Kant’s critical works. My main post-doc projects focused on “Self as a Unifying Process: Consciousness, Cognition and Action” and “Being-in-Stories: The Embodied Poetics of Selfhood”. In my research career I’ve also been: 1) the PI in a research seminar on the “Self as production of truth”, hosted by Collège international de philosophie (CIPh, Paris, France); 2) a Visiting scholar at New York University (under Prof. B. Longuenesse’s supervision) and Columbia U. (under Prof. F. Neuhouser’s supervision); 3) a Stagiaire Post-doc at the Center for Research in Applied Epistemology (CREA, Paris, under the mentorship of Prof. J. Petitot); 4) a Professeur invité at EHESS, to present a seminar for Graduate students on Biographical Time and Experience; 5) the joint organizer (with S. Nour) of a research seminar on Cosmopolitan Justice at CIPh, Paris. Drawing from my own research record and from my network of institutions and colleagues, I’ve conceived and launched an international, interdisciplinary, research project titled “Poetics of Selfhood: Memory, Imagination, and Narrativity” (PTDC/MHC-FIL/4203/2012). Besides, I’ve participated in several research projects: 1) Subject and passivity, at Lisbon U; 2) Philosophy, Medicine, and Society, at Lisbon U.; 3) Luso-Spanish Integrated Action on Leibniz, at New U of Lisbon and Granada U.; 4) Medical Art and Scientific Intelligibility, at New U of Lisbon; 5) The conception of Nature in modern medical/philosophical thought, at New U. of Lisbon; 6) Affectivity and Liminality (ESF, Open U., UK). My current research relates to time consciousness, narrative identity, hermeneutics of life-stories, phenomenology of intersubjectivity, virtue justice and care ethics.
Pedro Tiago Ferreira, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
PhD in Literary Theory, University of Lisbon, 2017, with a thesis on Fernando Pessoa; MA in Legal Theory, with a thesis on the purported difference between fact and law. Currently he is earning a PhD on Ethics, Democracy and Societal Challenges, with a thesis on the relationship between democracy and justice
Peter König, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Peter König is Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Study of Philosophy, German literature and Musicology at the University of Heidelberg and Pisa. 1991 Ph. D. University of Heidelberg, 1998 post-doctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) with a habilitation thesis on the method of philosophical cognition in the work of Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant (University of Heidelberg). Since 2005 is an extraordinary professor for philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, and since 2009 researcher at the Academy of Sciences (Heidelberg) Is is co-founder of the Centre for Historical Ontology (Heidelberg, Helsinki, Leu wen). He recived the 1993 Ruprecht Karl Prize for the dissertation „Autonomie und Autokratie“ and in 2014 Teaching Prize from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg. Among his publications are 1.) Geschichte als Bewegung und Stillstand, in: Jan-Ivar Lindén (Hrsg.): Prolegomenazu einer historischen Ontologie, Heidelberg 2019; 2.) Libertad en los Principios metafísicos de la doctrina del derecho de Kant. Algunas observaciones metodológicas, in: Daniela Alegría, Paula Órdenes (coordinadoras): Kant y los retos práctico-morales de la actualidad. Madrid 2017, 3.) Vico’s Philosophy of Authority. A Dead End on the Vico Road?, in: Monica Riccio, Manuela Sanna, Levent Ylmaz (a cura di): The Vico Road. Nuovi percorsi vichiani. Roma 2016; 4.) Giambattista Vico – Leben und Werk. München 2006; 5.) Autonomie und Autokratie. Über Kants Metaphysik der Sitten. Berlin, NY 1994.
Philippe Lacour, Department of Philosophy, University of Brasilia
Trained in France and Europe, Philipe is currently Adjunct Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Brasilia (UnB, Brazil). He teaches theoretical (epistemology, philosophy of science) and general philosophy (introduction, methodology). His research focuses in particular on the epistemology of social and human sciences, and also the technology of translation (https://traduxio.org). He is also Program Director at the Collège International de Philosophie (CIPh, Paris), investigating the notion of “clinical knowledge“. His next forthcoming book: La raison au singulier. Réflexions sur l'épistémologie de Jean-Claude Passeron, will be published by Presses Universitaires de Nanterre, in 2020.
Rafael Salatini, International Relations, UNESP, Brazil
Rafael Salatini: Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela USP (2004), licenciado em Ciências Sociais pela USP (2008), bacharel em Direito pelo Univem (2016), especialista em Direito Processual Civil pela Unimar (2019), mestre em Direito pelo Univem (2018), doutor em Ciência Política pela USP (2009), doutorando em Direito pela UENP (2019-2021), pós-doutor em Sociologia pela USP (2017) e pós-doutor em Ciência Política pela USP (2018). Professor do Curso de Relações Internacionais da UFGD (2009-2010), do curso de Especialização em Direitos Humanos e Cidadania da UFGD (2010), do curso de Relações Internacionais da Unesp-Marília (desde 2011), do curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da Unesp-Marília (desde 2013).
Raquel M. Gonçalves, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto
Raquel M. Gonçalves has a degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Biotechnology, both from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisboa, the latter in collaboration with the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), USA. Since early she has driven her interests towards the application of bioengineering in Health. In 2009 she became assistant investigator at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB), and now she continues her work at i3S- Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, in the Microenvironments for Newtherapies (MiNT) Group, where she develops her research area in stem cell- and biomaterials-based therapies in tissue regeneration. In 2017, she was awarded with a Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers and in 2018 she spent a period at the Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, in Ulm, Germany. She has coordinating international projects in the area of intervertebral disc regeneration and supervised several MSc and PhD students. She is also affiliated professor at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, where she is involved in the master degree of Bioengineering and she also collaborates with the PhD in Neurosciences at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto. Also, she has been actively engaged in public awareness of science programs in children and adolescents from Porto Public schools.
Ricardo Belo de Morais, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
É jornalista, escritor, investigador literário, dramaturgo, tradutor e consultor de comunicação. Cursou Direito na Universidade de Lisboa e Ciências da Comunicação na Universidade Nova. Foi fundador da rádio XFM e integrou as equipas da Rádio Paris-Lisboa e Rádio Europa, estando há dois anos na equipa da Rádio Movimento. Foi colaborador regular da revista Notícias Magazine e trabalhou em assessoria cultural com o Clube Português de Artes e Ideias e na coordenação do gabinete de imprensa das Festas de Lisboa. É membro da equipa da Casa Fernando Pessoa desde 2012. Editou o poemário «Paixão ou A Batalha Contra as Sombras» (2007); a biografia pessoana romanceada «O Quarto Alugado» (2014) e «Fernando Pessoa Para Todas as Pessoas» (2015). Em 2018, fez a curadoria do festival “Desassossego em Pessoa” em Oeiras e estreou a sua peça teatral «Transição», sobre o Livro do Desassossego de Bernardo Soares. Tem um novo romance pessoano no prelo.
Sara Fernandes, Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Sara Fernandes is a PhD researcher in the philosophy department of the University of Lisbon and a philosophy teacher at Colégio Militar (Military College). Her research project is on Neuroidentity: anthropological and ethical dilemmas and her main research interests are the relation between philosophy and neurosciences, in particular neuroenhancement and its impact on human nature, personal identity, and neuroethics. She holds a research degree from the doctoral program on Bioethics of the Portuguese Catholic University (2009) and a MPhil in Philosophy from the University of Lisbon (2006) with a dissertation on Paul Ricoeur and the problem of personal identity.
Saskya Miranda Lopes, CES/UC e UESC-BR
Saskya Miranda Lopes é doutoranda no programa Human Rights in contemporary societies do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra; Mestra em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA e bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC. Professora Assistente do Departamento de Ciências Jurídicas da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC; E pesquisadora do Grupo "Redireito: revisando direitos em gênero, étnico/raciais, geracionais e sustentabilidade".
Sergei Zherlitsyn, Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD-EMFL), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Germany
Sergei Zherlitsyn is a Head of Department (since 2011) Magnet Technologies and Research Infrastructure, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Germany. His main research interests are physical phenomena in strongly- correlated electron systems and magnet technologies. Previously he was a Staff Scientist (2002-2011) at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Scientific Assistant (1998-2001) and Humboldt Research Fellow (1996-1997) in the Institute of Physics, J.-W. Goethe, University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Visiting Researcher (1995), Centre de Recherches sur les Très Basses Températures (CRTBT CNRS), Grenoble, France; Senior Research Scientist, Research Scientist, Junior Research Scientist, Engineer (between 1982 and 1995, PhD in Solid State Physics in 1990), Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, USSR/Ukraine. He educated from Kharkov State University (USSR) in 1982 (Diploma in Physics (Quantum Radiophysics)).
Soraya Nour-Sckell, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Soraya Nour Sckell is Associate Professor (with tenure) at the NOVA Law School. She is Researcher at CEDIS (Law School of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and at the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon. She is Principal Investigator of the Project "Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders". She has been director of the research program on cosmopolitanism at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. She received the Wolfgang Kaupen-Preis (German Society for Sociology, section Sociology of Law, 2018) and the German-French Friendship Prize (Ambassy of Germany in Paris, 2012). She has obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the University Paris Nanterre and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (thesis in cotutela, 2012) and a PhD in Law from the University of Sao Paulo (1999). She has done post-doc research at the Universities of Saint Louis (SLU), Nanterre, Frankfurt a.M. and Berlin (Humboldt University) and taught at the Universities of Sao Paulo, Munich, Metz, Lille, and Lisbon, as well as at the University Portucalense. She is the vice-president of the Association Humboldt France
Susana Videira, Law School, University of Lisbon
Susana Antas Videira é Licenciada, Mestre e Doutora em Direito, pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL), na menção de ciências Histórico-Jurídicas. É Professora Associada da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa e da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, com atribuição de regências. É, ainda, Investigadora Integrada do Centro de Investigação em Teoria e História do Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (ThD-ULisboa), Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D) nas áreas científicas do Direito, Filosofia e História, criada em 2013. Neste Centro de Investigação assegura a coordenação da Linha Temática “Metamorfoses do Poder: Perspectivas Históricas da Conformação Jurídica de Paradigmas Políticos”. É Investigadora colaboradora do CEJEA – Centro de Estudos Jurídicos, Económicos e Ambientais da Universidade Lusíada; Vice-Presidente do Instituto de História e do Pensamento Político e Membro da Rede Internacional de Investigadores em Direito e Justiça (RIIDJ). É, ademais, Consultora do PNUD para o Projeto de Reforma do Sector da Justiça de Timor-Leste e Consultora jurídica da Ordem dos Solicitadores e dos Agentes de Execução É Vice-Presidente do Instituto de História do Direito e do Pensamento Político da FDUL e autora de mais de uma dezena de publicações nas áreas da História do Pensamento Jurídico, da História, Teoria e Filosofia do Direito e do Estado, da História do Direito, do Direito Civil e Processual Civil e do Direito da Educação. Neste último ramo, colaborou com o European Journal for Education Law and Policy (editor, Kluwer Law)".
Tamara Caraus, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Tamara Caraus is a researcher at the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. Previously, Tamara Caraus conducted research in political philosophy at the University of Uppsala, University of Rijeka, Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna; University of Groningen; Oxford University, Palacky University of Olomouc, The Polish Academy of Science, University of Bucharest and other institutions. She contributed with articles to various academic journals and edited volumes, published four books and edited five. Her area of research includes continental political philosophy, political theory of cosmopolitanism and critical theory of work.
Veronica Dodero, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Veronica I. Dodero is a chemist who works in the triple point where chemistry, biology, and physics meets at Bielefeld University, Germany. Using a translational approach, she is leading an international transdisciplinary project to shed light on gluten-related disorders at a fundamental level with the final aim to transfer this knowledge from the bench to the bedside. Dr Dodero performed her thesis at University Nacional del Sur (UNS, Argentina) and the University of Dortmund (Germany) in Organometallic Chemistry. For her doctoral studies, she was obtained the Aaron and Fanny Fidelef Nijamkim’s Award for the Best 2003 Ph.D. student in Chemistry. After that, she got a postdoctoral position at University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in the area of Chemical Biology and a second one in the field of Medicinal Chemistry at the University Complutense of Madrid in Spain, too. Back in Argentina, she was appointed for her first independent research as a CONICET Researcher, and she obtained the Professorship position in Organic Chemistry at UNS. As a group leader, she worked in the area of molecular recognition and bio-supramolecular chemistry. In 2015, she was awarded the Georg Forster Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for experienced researchers at Bielefeld University. During her successful research project on the supramolecular behavior of gliadin and its fragments, she conceived a novel hypothesis in the area of gluten-related disorders. She showed that gliadin peptides folding and self-organization have a pathological role, proposing that gluten-related disorders might be a new protein aggregation disease.