Moderators and Guests
Adriana Conceição Guimarães Veríssimo Serrão, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Adriana Veríssimo Serrão is an Associate professor with aggregation title at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, where she teaches Philosophical Anthropology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Landscape. She was main researcher of the Research Project “Philosophy of Landscape” (Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon) and “Philosophy and Architecture of Landscape” (PTDC/FIL/100565/2008), 2010-2013). Director of the Review Philosophica (Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon). Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Internationale Gesellschaft der Feuerbach-Forscher (Berlin). Her work focus on Aesthetics, Philosophical Anthropology and German Idealism (Kant, Feuerbach, Simmel).
Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Professor at the Law School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Legal history; History of political ideas; historical perspectives on citizenship; Law and Society) and researcher at its research institute, CEDIS. Her main research areas being classical liberalism and citizenship in the nineteenth century; the history of the legal person status in the Portuguese overseas territories and the legal pluralism in the Portuguese Empire (XIX and XX the centuries).
Ana Paula Cosme, Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Ana Paula Cosme is a Doctoral Student at the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
André Santos Campos, NOVA Institute of Philosophy, NOVA University of Lisbon
Andre Santos Campos (PhD University of Lisbon, 2009) works as a research fellow and invited assistant professor at the Nova University of Lisbon. His current research concentrates on issues that connect contemporary Political Theory with Jurisprudence and Intellectual History, such as the concepts of sovereignty, political representation and intergenerational justice. His publications have appeared in a wide range of highly-ranked journals and in publishing houses such as Routledge, Bloomsbury and Palgrave Macmillan. He has been awarded prizes for the best philosophical essay awarded by the Portuguese Society of Philosophy (2013) and the CIJVS (2019). In 2019, he was the recipient of the Brian Barry Prize in Political Science, attributed by the British Academy. He is the author of Jus sive Potentia (CFUL, 2010), of Spinoza’s Revolutions in Natural Law (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012), and of Glosas Abertas de Filosofia do Direito (Quid Juris, 2013); and the editor of Spinoza: Basic Concepts (Imprint Academic, 2015), Spinoza and Law (Routledge, 2016), Challenges to Democratic Participation (Lexington Books, 2014), and Sovereignty as Value (Rowman & Litllefield, 2020). Since 2018, he co-edits the second edition of the online Dicionário de Filosofia Moral e Política.
Igor Reva, Chemistry, University of Coimbra
PhD, Dr. Hab., Igor Reva (IR), is currently Principal researcher (www.qui.uc.pt/~reva)at the Coimbra Chemistry Centre (CCC), hosted at the Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal.
Igor Reva graduated, with honors, from the Kharkov State University (Ukraine), faculty of Radiophysics, speciality Biophysics (1982). IR was granted PhD degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1995), specialitis 'Thermophysics and Molecular Physics'; 'Biophysic', at the Institute for Low Temperature Physics; Engineering, a major research centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Kharkov). IR was granted PhD degree in Chemistry (2006), at UC, Coimbra, Portugal. The Habilitation degree in Chemistry (2010) was conferred on Igor Reva by University of Coimbra, Molecular Spectroscopy'. In 1997-1998, Igor Reva was Humboldt Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radiation Chemistry, Muelheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany; and Max-Planck Research Scholar (1999) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany. Since 1999, IR has been working at CCC / UC, as FCT post-doctoral fellow, then researcher of the program Science-2007, and currently as “Investigador FCT”. As of November 2019, IR is co-author of 4 book chapters and +150 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, with +3700 citations (ISI Web of Science h-index 35). Based on the scientific output, IR was twice “Researcher of the Year” in the renown Department of Chemistry at UC. IR participated in +20 competitively funded FCT projects, in five of them as the principal investigator. International record of IR includes many research stays abroad (7 EU countries + USA). Reciprocally, IR hosted over 20 foreign visitors plus as many Portuguese users at the Coimbra Laser Lab (CLL). CLL (www.uc.pt/en/uid/laserlab/) is established at UC, supported by FCT, and is part of LaserLab Europe (www.laserlab-europe.eu), the integrated initiative of European laser research infrastructures. CLL offers access to its labs for European researchers. As a senior CLL researcher, IR provided scientific and technical training for several dozens of users, and imparted his experience during their access to state-of-the-art shared research facilities. Research interests of Igor Reva are focused on studies of molecular structure, conformational dynamics, tautomerism, vibrational properties, photochemistry of biological and photochromic molecules, molecular switches, reactive intermediates and systems with open electronic shells (tetrazoles, isoxazoles, azides, nitrenes, carbenes, azirines, diazirines, nitrile-imines, nitrile-ylides), molecular systems of biological importance (aminoacids, nucleic acid bases, in particular - cytosines), molecular systems relevant to atmospheric chemistry (terpenes, hydrofluorocarbons), prebiotic chemistry and chemistry of the interstellar medium (kinetically unstable molecules, such as vinylalcohols, vinylamines, and their isomers).
Iva Gomes, Population Genetics and Evolution Group, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde and - Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto
Iva Gomes is a research scientist specialized in Forensic Molecular Genetics. She obtained her bachelor degree from the University of Aveiro after which she then moved to Porto to develop her PhD degree at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP). During the doctoral period, Iva specialized on genetic markers for human identification analyses. Her doctoral project provided her opportunities at the international level such as research stays the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in NYC, as well as, a position as a visiting scientist at the FBI in Quantico, USA. In October 2010, she obtained her PhD degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Immediately after she moved to Germany to undertake the two-year Research Fellowship for “Postdoctoral Researchers” from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation that she was granted with. The postdoctoral project took place at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Cologne in Germany. During this period she focused mostly on RNA based markers for the identification of body fluids and tissues for forensic casework. She was also a team member of the European Forensic Genetics Network of Excellence- EUROFORGEN-NoE. After a period of 7 years in Germany, she has returned to her home institute IPATIMUP in Porto, now also known as i3S. She currently holds a position of Assistant Researcher granted under the “FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus”.
Luís Pereira Coutinho, Law School, University of Lisbon
Doutor em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa onde é professor associado. Investiga e ensina nas áreas de Direito Constitucional e Ciência Política. Os seus últimos livros são Teoria dos Regimes Políticos e O Estado como Representação (como autor) e The Political Dimension of Constitutional Law (como editor).
Margarida Lima Rego, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon
Margarida Lima Rego tem como formação académica: licenciatura em Direito (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, 1999), Magister Juris (Oxford University, 2000), Mestrado em Direito dos Contratos (Oxford University, 2002), Doutoramento em Direito Privado (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2009). É Professora Auxiliar na Nova Direito e Associada Sénior na Sociedade de Advogados Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados. É responsável pelas disciplinas de Direito das Obrigações e Direito Bancário e dos Seguros. É também membro do Comité da Nova Escola Doutoral desde 2012.
Maria Teresa Duarte, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Maria Teresa Duarte is Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. She did her PhD and Habilitation in Chemistry and became a Full Professor in 2014, at the same University. Presently she is Non-Executive Member of the Administration Council of A3ES, Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. She is a Fulbright Fellow, an Alexander von Humboldt grantee and Fellow at IAS Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. In 2004, she received a prize from the Portuguese Agency of Science and Technology, “Estímulo à Excelência” awarded for high scientific productivity. In 2016 she was elected as one of the "100 Women in Science". She was Vice-President of the Scientific Board of Instituto Superior Técnico and delegate to CLUSTER (Leading Universities of Science and Technology), 2009-2016. She is Coordinator of the Group on “Design, synthesis, and toxicology of bioactive molecules”, and member of the Coordination Commission at Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), (Research Center grading – Excellent). She has coordinated 20 research Projects, co-authored 220 papers in International Journals with peer review, presented more than 250 communications at International Conferences, supervised 30 post docs, PhD and MSC students and other students in different research projects. She has organized and acted as member of the Scientific/Organization Committee of several International Conferences and Workshops and chaired diverse scientific sessions. She is acting as referee in more than 12 international Journals, being a referee member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the American Chemical Society. At present she is president of the Portuguese delegation to the International Union of Crystallography (IUCR), and chairwomen of the Special Interest Group on Molecular Structures and Chemical Properties of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA).
Mariana França Gouveia, NOVA School of Law, NOVA University of Lisbon
Mariana França Gouveia e Licenciada em Direito (1997) pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa e Doutorada em Direito (2003), pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, na Especialidade de Direito Processual Civil, com uma tese intitulada “A Causa de Pedir na Acção Declarativa” (Almedina, 2004). É desde 2003 professora da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, onde tem regido disciplinas de Direito Processual Civil, Resolução Alternativa de Litígios e Arbitragem. É a professora responsável pelo Laboratório RAL da FDUNL. É Autora, entre outras publicações, do “Curso de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios” (3ª Edição, Almedina, 2014). Foi coordenadora científica do estudo Justiça Económica em Portugal, financiado pela Associação Comercial de Lisboa e pela Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (Justiça Económica em Portugal, 9 volumes, FFMS, 2013).
Marta Abrantes (H) Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Marta Abrantes is a pharmacist who pursued a research career, which included a PhD in chemistry, a postdoctoral position in the Tech. Univ. of Munich (TUM) and 2 research associate positions in Engineering Schools in Portugal (FEUP and IST). During this path, Marta Abrantes developed research in the area of synthetic chemistry and materials in collaboration with international and national research groups. She secured funding for her research activity and students, and published as corresponding author. Additionally, she was engaged in teaching and science spreading activities. In 2014, she was challenged to become Project Manager of the international EIT InnoEnergy Master Programs at IST. Marta Abrantes also integrates the coordination team of the Masters in Energy Engineering and Management at IST while continuing teaching and science spreading activities. Very recently, her management position was extended to the PhD program of InnoEnergy for the Iberia region by being appointed Iberia PhD Officer Assistant.
Silton Batista Lima Bezerra, Law School, University of Porto
Silton Batista Lima Bezerra é doutorando pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto - FDUP (Portugal) onde estuda o tema Transnacionalidade dos Direitos Fundamentais à luz do neoconstitucionalismo. Atua como professor do Centro Universitário de Brasília (Brasília/DF, Brasil, 2019) onde leciona a disciplina Mediação, concilição e arbitragem, foi professor do Curso de Administração Pública da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia-Afro Brasileira - UNILAB (Redenção/CE, Brasil, 2016) da disciplina Negociação e Arbitragem e Instituições de Direito Público, foi Professor de Direito Administrativo da pós-graduação da Escola Superior da Advocacia do Ceará - ESA da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - OAB (Fortaleza/CE, Brasil, 2014), foi Professor no III Curso de Processo Administrativo Disciplinar das Carreiras Jurídicas da Advocacia-Geral da União – AGU realizado pela Corregedoria-Geral da Advocacia da União – CGAU, Procuradoria- Geral Federal – PGF e Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União – EAGU (Brasília/DF, Brasil, 2007). É especialista em Direito Público pela Universidade de Brasília / UnB (Brasília/DF, Brasil, 2008), Especialista em Gestão e Administração Judiciária pela Universidade do Vale do Acaraú / UVA (Fortaleza/CE, Brasil, 2010) e Mestre em Direito pela Universidade do Porto (Portugal, 2013), tendo livros publicados nas áreas de Direito Penal e Processual Penal: “O papel do Ministério Público no combate à Corrupção”; BEZERRA, Silton Batista Lima. Ed. DIN-CE. 2003. 92 pág., ISBN 85-89194-08-6; “Prática forense penal – Manifestações de 1o Grau do Ministério Público Federal”; BEZERRA, Silton Batista Lima. Ed. DIN-CE. março 2005. 126 pág., ISBN 85-89194-09-4; e “Manifestações do Ministério Público Federal – Recursos criminais e pareceres diversos”; BEZERRA, Silton Batista Lima. Ed. DIN-CE. março 2005. 217 pág., ISBN 85-89194-10-8, com artigos publicados em revistas juridicas: “Da limitação dos efeitos do art. 172 da Lei no 8.112/1990 no Pedido de Aposentadoria voluntária do servidor federal”. Revista IOB de Direito Administrativo no 24. dez/2007. São Paulo. págs. 102/113; e “Da limitação dos efeitos do art. 172 da Lei no 8.112/1990 no Pedido de Aposentadoria voluntária do servidor federal”. Revista IOB – Trabalhista e Previdenciário no 220. out/2007. São Paulo. págs. 201/210. Também tem sua participação em palestras e eventos: Palestra sobre Processo Administrativo Disciplinar – PAD. Curso de Formação de Procuradores Federais. Realização: Procuradoria-Geral Federal – PGF e Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União – EAGU. Período: 10 a 16 de dezembro de 2007; Debatedor no II Seminário Brasileiro sobre da Advocacia Pública Federal – 20 anos da Constituição e 15 da Advocacia-Geral da União. Oficina: “Responsabilidade civil e administrativa dos advogados públicos”. Realização: Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União – EAGU. Período: 10 a 12 de setembro de 2008; Palestra sobre “SISTEMA DE CORREIÇÕES DO PODER EXECUTIVO – CGU”. Curso de Combate à Corrupção. Realização: Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União – EAGU. Período: 23 a 27 de março de 2009. Brasília/DF; Palestra sobre “A Reforma do Judiciário e a Advocacia Pública”. II Seminário Regional da Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União. Período: 06 a 08 de abril de 2009. Fortaleza/CE; Coordenador da oficina de Curso de Processo Administrativo Disciplinar. Realização: Escola da Advocacia-Geral da União – EAGU. Período: 17 a 21 de agosto de 2009. Brasília/DF; Palestra sobre “Incerteza jurisdicional e os impactos provocados no investimento e na competitividade empresarial. Desoneração, desburocratização e aperfeiçoamento do sistema Judiciário”. Realização: Instituto Besc de Humanidades e Economia. Período: 27 e 28 de outubro de 2009. São Paulo – Capital. Por fim, ocupa, desde 2004, o cargo de Procurador Federal da Advocacia Geral da União - AGU, além de advogado Membro Permanente da Comissão Especial de Mediação, Conciliação e Arbitragem – CEMCA da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, seção Ceará / OAB- CE.
Sofia Figueiredo, Department of Theater, University of Lisbon
Sofia Figueiredo tem formação em comunicação, com licenciatura em Jornalismo, pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS); em Filosofia, pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL); e em Teatro, pela Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (ESTC).