Cosmopolitan self
14-15 JUNE 2022
Free Online International Conference
This conference aims to examine the ethical horizon of building a cosmopolitan world view. As formulated in Antiquity, cosmopolitanism is the moral ideal of a universal community of human beings considered apart from their links to particular communities. Cosmopolitanism, in this sense, has as ethical horizon the construction of a cosmopolitan self. But this ideal face within the psyche exclusive private bonds such as nationalism, racism, sexism, and all forms of discrimination implied in identity issues. It is then necessary to analyse the conditions of cosmopolitanism in a context where violence is produced by the imposition of exclusive identities to those considered to belong to a "we" and by the exclusion of all others considered not to belong to it.
The current debates of these issues argue that public space must concern the universal values, and be neutral regarding identity issues, in order to guarantee plurality, and that the particular and contingent character of biographical, social and cultural elements of identity cannot define justice (Rawls). From another perspective, such neutrality appears impossible, given that politics and justice always legitimize a certain conception of personal identity by making it invisible, devaluing or stigmatizing others. The recognition of particularities as a matter of justice would be necessary (Taylor, Kymlicka). Another argument focuses on "translation" as a prerequisite for effective universalism, which depends on the ability to establish successful communication without having pre-established common codes. It does not mean a relativism that could accept discrimination and inequality,
but is legitimate only if it amplifies rights (Balibar).
We invite contributions that address these and other questions concerning the building of a cosmopolitan worldview.
Languages of communication include English, French,
Portuguese and Spanish.
The abstract for a 20-minutes presentation has to be submitted by
20 May 2022
by using the 'SUBMIT ABSTRACT HERE' button below.
The list of the selected participants will be posted on the conference webpage, section Participants' on 31 May.