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​Amanda Salles da Silva, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon


Ana Cristina Saladrigas, Viva Melhor - Instituto de Psicologia

Ana Cristina Saladrigas is a Clinical and Health Psychologist specialized in Community and Forensic Psychology. Her current research focuses on neurobiological approaches E.M.D.R and Brainspotting. She collaborated with the Consulate General of Brazil in Porto, from 2012 to 2017, working with victims of domestic and gender violence, human trafficking, exploitation for labor, etc, and was a member of the National Association of Panic Syndrome (São Paulo - Brazil) and Scientific and Pedagogical Coordinator of the Palliative Care Diffusion Course:. Currently, she coordinates the Athena Project, developed through the Atlantic Brazil Portugal Association at the Santa Cruz do Bispo Special Prison.


Daniela Castilhos, Department of Law, University Portucalense


Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon

Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva is a Post-Doctoral fellow and member of the Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. PhD in 2016, on Novalis’ critique of identity, as expounded in the «Fichte-Studien». Chief concerns: Kantian Aesthetics and Anthropology, German Idealism and Romanticism, in authors such as Baumgarten, Kant, Fichte, Novalis, Fr. Schlegel or Hölderlin, having published on and translated several of them. Main publications: ‘The poem of the understanding is philosophy’. Novalis and the art of self-critique, in Mimesis Verlag, Germany (t. b. p. in 2019); «“Das Unsterbliche mit dem Sterblichen zu verbinden“. Sobre o pensamento principal da filosofia de Platão segundo Schelling», in Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 2017; «Um “secreto procedimento da alma dos homens”: Kant sobre o problema das representações obscuras», in Con-textos Kantianos, 2017.


João Motta Guedes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon


Júlia Araújo Mota, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon 


Luís Guerra, Observatório dos Direitos Humanos

Luís Filipe Guerra é jurista, Presidente do Observatório dos Direitos Humanos e membro do Centro Mundial de Estudos Humanistas, organismo do Movimento Humanista, tendo exercido profissionalmente como advogado, mediador de conflitos e juiz de paz.


Magno Gurgel SaraivaNOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon 


Paulo Jesus, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon


Vladimir Safatle, Department of Philosophy, University of São Paulo  (USP)

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This workshop is financed by public funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institution, Portugal) within the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders  - PTDC/FER-FIL/30686/2017

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