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9:00 Soraya Nour Sckell, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon


​9:30 Amanda Salles da Silva, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon

Júlia Araújo Mota, NOVA Law School, New University of Lisbon 

Microcredit: an effective instrument for the economic emancipation of the poorest?

10:00 Magno Gurgel SaraivaNOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon

O calvário dos refugiados na era dos direitos humanos e a hospitalidade kantiana

10:30 João Motta Guedes, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon The concept of citizenship in Arendt and Human Rights as the fundament of universal citizenship


11:00 Coffee-break


11:20 Daniela Castilhos, Department of Law, University Portucalense

11:50 Soraya Nour Sckell, NOVA Law School, NOVA University of Lisbon, Cosmopolitanism as Emancipation 

12:20 Fernando Silva, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon

From psychological egoism to anthropological pluralism. Kant on the emancipation of the cosmopolitan person 


12:50 - 14:00 Lunch


14:00 Ana Cristina Saladrigas, Viva Melhor - Instituto de Psicologia

Mulher imigrante: perspetivas cosmopolitas de emancipação

14:30 Paulo Jesus, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. Filoxenia e Dever de Hospitalidade entre Kant e Levinas 

15:00 Philippe Lacour, Department of Philosophy, University of Brasilia; Collège International de Philosophie, Em que sentido o mundo inter-nacional é comum?

15:30 Luís Guerra, Observatório dos Direitos Humanos. Dos direitos humanos a nacao humana universal. Um projeto de emancipação e cosmopolitismo


16:00 Coffee-break


              Philosophical Café              

FNAC - Edifício Palladium, Rua de Santa Catarina 73, 4000-449 Porto


16:20 Vladimir Safatle, Department of Philosophy, University of São Paulo  (USP). Presentation of his book Dar Corpo ao Impossível

17:00 Discussion of the book: Philippe Lacour, Paulo Jesus, Soraya Nour Sckell, 


18:00 Conversation about "Emancipation" with Vladimir Safatle and Philippe Lacour




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This workshop is financed by public funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institution, Portugal) within the project Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without Borders  - PTDC/FER-FIL/30686/2017

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